3 Card Poker: Playing the Game

When you play 3 Card Poker, you can choose to play either against the dealer, or you can play the Pair Plus game, or both. Use the Chip Selector to choose the value of the chip that you want to bet, and then click on the appropriate betting circle: Ante for the game against the dealer, and/or Pair Plus for the Pair Plus game. You can add more chips by clicking on the circles more than once; reduce the number of chips in a circle by right-clicking on it, which will reduce the value of the chips in that circle by the value of the chip that is currently specified in the Chip-Selector.

When you have placed the bets you want to make, click the Deal button to deal the cards and begin the game.

Playing against the Dealer

If you place a bet in the Ante circle, you are matching your cards against the Dealer's. You and the Dealer will both be dealt 3 cards. The Dealer’s cards will be face down.

Once you have looked at your cards, you can decide to fold or play. If you wish to fold, click on the Fold button. You will lose the chips in the Ante circle, and the game ends. If you wish to play on, you must click the Play button, which will place the same amount in the Play circle as you originally staked in the Ante circle.

Once you have indicated whether you will fold or play, the Dealer will also either play or fold. The Dealer will only play if his hand is worth at least a High Card Queen, otherwise the Dealer folds.

You also win a bonus payout if your hand contains a Straight, Three-of-a-Kind or a Straight Flush, regardless of whether or not your hand beats or ties with the Dealer’s.

Playing Pair Plus

If you place a bet in the Pair Plus circle, the game is a very simple one. The cards are dealt, and regardless of the Dealer’s cards relative to your own, whether or not you placed a bet in the Ante circle, if your own hand contains at least a pair, you will win the Pair Plus bet. The exact payout depends on the exact hand you have. If your hand does not contain a pair or higher, you lose the chips in the Pair Plus circle.